resistance is obsolete ™ ;-)

An unofficial Conectiva How-To provide by Arthur Casals:

Here's a HOWTO especially for Conectiva 9. Very thanks to Gustavo Chaves.
(Thanks to Bjoern Stierand, I'd to change just a few lines from the Debian HOW-TO...)

IMPORTANT: This guide is NOT YET UPDATED for OGo 1.0a. Several pathes and settings have changed. If you want to provide an updated variant of the howto, please send patches to feedback at opengroupware dot org.

1. Download Packages

create a directory and download the last packages (for example, /rpm)

$ cd /rpm
$ wget -m -nH --cut-dirs=1

2. Install Packages

Install the packages. Use the brand new version of Kelley Graham's perl script ( You'll thank later.

$ ./add_remove_ogo install

3. Setup the Database

Setup the DB (the DB should already be configured to listen on TCP/IP and localhost access should be set to 'trust' for now - see the FAQ for that)

$ su - postgres
$ createdb ogo
$ createuser -A -D ogo
$ psql ogo ogo
[now you are on the postgresql prompt]
ogo=> \i /opt/
ogo=> \q
$ exit

4. Setup the Defaults

Setup the defaults.

$ chown -R opengroupware:skyrix /opt/ /opt/skyrix
$ su - opengroupware
$ source /opt/
$ Defaults write NSGlobalDomain LSConnectionDictionary '{databaseName = ogo;
hostName = localhost; password = ""; port = 5432; userName = ogo}'
$ Defaults write NSGlobalDomain NGBundlePath
$ Defaults write NSGlobalDomain LSModelName OpenGroupware.org_PostgreSQL
$ Defaults write NSGlobalDomain SkyExternalLinkAction
### the following is incorrect for OGo 1.0a $ ln -s ~opengroupware/WebServerResources/English.lproj
~opengroupware/WOApps/OpenGroupware.woa/WebServerResources $ ed
<<EOF > /name = LSModel/s/LSModel/OGo/
> w
> q
$ mkdir documents

Now, to just run opengroupware as a standalone, do:

$ ogo-webui-1.0a \
    -WOPort 20000 \
    -OGoMinimumActiveSessionCount 0 \
    -WOWatchDogEnabled YES \
    -WOHttpAllowHost '(host1 , host2)'

Of course, you may want to run under Apache; if so, keep reading.

5. Install Apache 2 Support

Installing Apache 2 support: ngobjweb module (Yedidia, at (note that if you are using <VirtualHost> blocks, you need to put the proxy configuration inside that block - Henrik Holmboe). Note that you'll need the apache-devel module installed.

$ wget
$ tar -zxvf
$ cd
$ PATH=$PATH:/usr/sbin
$ make
$ mkdir ~opengroupware/WebServer
$ cp ~opengroupware/WebServer

6. Configure Apache

Configuring Apache (don't forget to restart the service)

$ su -
# cat >/etc/apache/conf/conf.d/ogo.conf <<EOF
LoadModule ngobjweb_module \
<LocationMatch "^/OpenGroupware/*">
    SetHandler ngobjweb-adaptor
    SetAppPort 20000
Alias /OpenGroupware10a.woa/WebServerResources/ \
  /usr/local/share/ EOF
# service apache restart
# exit

7. Start OGo

Now you could just run:

$ ogo-webui-1.0a

and "point your webserver to the URL mentioned above". However, if you do this way, every time you log out the program will just abort. Thanks God, Yedidia, and Henrik Holmboe, there's a script that makes it in a better way (posted at ), just save it as /etc/init.d/opengroupware, then you can start/stop it just like a service:

# service opengroupware start
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