resistance is obsolete ™ ;-)

Install on MacOSX

Important: Information is for SOPE 4.2 and pre-OGo 1.0a, so it might be outdated!

TODO: write much more, move info to MacOSX porting page ...


Track the porting work on the MacOSX Port Project Page.
As usual, you can use the OGo ChangeBLogger to track the CVS changes.


Some things do not work yet ...

  • "*" in searches, you must use "%"
  • spaces in login names
  • Umlauts do not work yet (delivered as UTF-8)

  • GNUstep Snapshot

    In case you get sent a snapshot of a GNUstep tree with an OGo installation, you probably need to fix up some pathes inside the snapshot. The most important thing is the file, which must be sourced prior starting any OGo tool compiled for the GNUstep environment (not for Xcode products of course).

    You find in Makefiles/ or Library/Makefiles/ Locate those variables and fix the paths to point to your snapshot:


    As you can see, I usually place all the roots in a single location. Makes a lot of things easier, like building a snapshot of everything ;-)

    Besides this, you also need to add proper links to the Resources and WebServerResources files inside your OGo source tree:

    lrwx Resources -> /Users/helge/dev/
    lrwx WebServerResources -> /Users/helge/dev/


    To install I used the instructions and packages provided by this website:

    If PostgreSQL is up and running (of course you can also connect to a PostgreSQL server running on some existing Linux host), you first need to modify the /usr/local/pgsql/data/postgresql.conf config file and enable the TCP/IP support in PostgreSQL. Restart PostgreSQL to make the change happen.

    If you are done with that, proceed using the regular PostgreSQL install instructions:


    The configuration files for Apache live in /etc/httpd/ on Panther, you need to add similiar directives like on Linux. The Apache itself is enabled using the system preferences, go to Sharing and select the "Personal Web Sharing" checkbox.

    Note: instead of playing with the Apache configuration, I just copied the Themes/WebServerResources directory to /Library/WebServer/Documents/ to avoid problems with permissions and everything.
    Anyway, the setup would look roughly like that:

    Alias /OpenGroupware10a.woa/WebServerResources \
    <Directory "/Users/helge/dev/">
    Options Indexes MultiViews
    AllowOverride None
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all

    No attempt was done so far to compile the mod_ngobjweb module on Panther.


    To be discovered ...


    helge@groove:/etc/httpd> defaults read OpenGroupware
    ImapLogEnabled = NO; MailConfigEnabled = YES; ProfileImapEnabled = NO; SkyShowPageTimings = YES; TimeZoneName = GMT; WOResourcePrefix = "http://localhost"; }
    helge@groove:/etc/httpd> defaults read NSGlobalDomain LSAttachmentPath
    helge@groove:/etc/httpd> defaults read NSGlobalDomain LSConnectionDictionary
    {databaseName = OGo; hostName = move; port = 5432; userName = OGo; }
    helge@groove:~> defaults read NSGlobalDomain NGBundlePath

    My Current Default Setup ...

    helge@power1$ defaults read OpenGroupware
    2004-05-09 19:14:41.202 defaults[10743] Domain OpenGroupware does not exist
    helge@power1$ defaults write NSGlobalDomain skyrix_id "OGo@power1"
    helge@power1$ defaults write NSGlobalDomain LSAttachmentPath /Users/helge/Library/OGoDocs helge@power1$ mkdir /Users/helge/Library/OGoDocs
    helge@power1$ defaults write NSGlobalDomain LSConnectionDictionary '{databaseName=OGo;hostName=localhost;port=5432;userName=OGo;password=OGo;}'
    helge@power1$ defaults write NSGlobalDomain LSNewsImagesPath /Users/helge/Library/OGoNewshelge@power1$ mkdir /Users/helge/Library/OGoNews
    helge@power1$ defaults write NSGlobalDomain NGBundlePath /Users/helge/GNUstep/Library/ helge@power1$ defaults write NSGlobalDomain WOHttpAllowHost '(,,, localhost, power1 )'
    helge@power1$ defaults write OpenGroupware scheduler_participantRolesEnabled YEShelge@power1$ defaults write OpenGroupware ImapLogEnabled NO helge@power1$ defaults write OpenGroupware MailConfigEnabled YES
    helge@power1$ defaults write OpenGroupware OGoMinimumActiveSessionCount YES
    helge@power1$ defaults write OpenGroupware OGoObjectLinkTypeMap '{
    > CustomerOf = OGoPersonLinkEditor;
    > Mother = OGoPersonLinkEditor;
    > }'
    helge@power1$ defaults write OpenGroupware ProfileImapEnabled NO
    helge@power1$ defaults write OpenGroupware SkyShowPageTimings YES
    helge@power1$ defaults write OpenGroupware WOMinimumActiveSessionCount 0
    helge@power1$ defaults write OpenGroupware WOPort 20001
    helge@power1$ defaults write ZideStore WOPort 30000
    helge@power1$ defaults write ZideStore WOHttpTransactionUseSimpleParser YES

    I was also required to setup some links due to gstep-make incompatibilities:

    helge@dhcp-172-24-24-134$ find . -name "*DAVProp*"
    helge@dhcp-172-24-24-134$ pwd
    helge@dhcp-172-24-24-134$ cd Libraries/
    helge@dhcp-172-24-24-134$ ls
    helge@dhcp-172-24-24-134$ ln -s ../Library/Libraries/Resources .

    If you don't do that, libNGObjWeb will complain about not finding DAVPropMap.plist on startup.


    We welcome your feedback!
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