resistance is obsolete ™ ;-)

Defaults Collection ...

Collected Defaults ...


LSSessionChannelTimeOut 300 (s)
SkyCommandProfileEnabled YES|NO
SkyCommandProfileName /tmp/cmd-log
LSProfileCommands YES|NO
LSDebuggingEnabled YES|NO
LSAskAtTxBegin YES|NO (for debugging, prompts/blocks on the shell!)
LSDBFetchRelationCommand_MAX_SEARCH_COUNT 200
MinutesBetweenFailedLogins 15
HandleFailedAuthorizations NO
FailedLoginCount 5
FailedLoginLockInfoMailAddress root
LSAuthLDAPServer LSAuthLDAPServerRoot LSAuthLDAPServerPort 389
LSUseLowercaseLogin NO
AllowSpacesInLogin NO
LSAdaptor PostgreSQL72
LSConnectionDictionary LSModelName UseSkyrixLoginForImap NO
SkyAccessManagerDebug NO
SkyObjectPropertyManagerDebug NO


Default Value Info
ShowOnlySubscribedInSubFolders (NGImap4) - show only subscribed subfolder in subfolders (use lsub instead of list command)
ShowOnlySubscribedInRoot (NGImap4) - show only subscribed subfolders in root folder (use lsub insteas of list command)
ImapPreventConnectionExceptions (NGImap4) - Throw exception / or not
ImapDebugEnabled (NGImap4)
ProfileImapEnabled (NGImap4)
NGImapMaxConnectionCount (NGImap) - number of connection to the Imap Server
UseCyrus2_0 (NGImap) - Use Cyrus 2.0 (ignore greetings)
NoMemoryMappedDataForImapBlobs (NGImap) - instead of MM-Data load blobs in ram
Imap4MMDataBoundary 8000 Bytes (NGImap) - data-size boundary to use MM-data or ordinary data objects
ImapSortEncoding UTF-8 (NGImap) encoding for sort operations (UTF-8; US-ASCII)
NGMimeBuildMimeTempDirectory /tmp/ directory to store temporary mime attachments
ImapGreetingsVersionPrefix "Cyrus IMAP4 v" prefix for greeting to check cyrus version
ImapLogEnabled NO more imap logs
MimeLogEnabled NO more mime log
ImapSentFolderName Sent Sent folder name
ImapTrashFolderName Trash Trash folder name
ImapDraftsFolderName Drafts Drafts folder name
IgnoreHasNoChildrenFlag NO folder with hasnochildren flag performs no list request to fetch their sub-folders
ShowNonExistentFolder NO folder with nonexistent flag will be ignored


Default Value Info
DeleteImapFolderImmediately NO delete folder instead to move it to trash
UseOnly7BitHeadersForMailBlobDownload NO
SkyMailCheckInterval 120 new mail check interval in seconds
UseMemoryStoredMime NO use old mime build behavior (store attachments in memory instead of files)
imap_host imap server host
imap_port 143 Imap server port
MailEditor_TextFieldSize 80 (ImapViewer) - length size of subject and search field
UseCCForMultipleAddressSearch YES/NO (ImapViewer) - imap_host, imap_host_editable
NoBodyStructureInViewer YES/NO (ImapViewer) - no body fetch/ use rfc822 fetch instead (load complete mail)
BodyStructureInViewerBoundary 5000 Bytes (ImapViewer) - message size boundary to use body-structures or raw fetches
ShowBodySizeDisable (ImapViewer) - Flag to allow a boundary whether to show mail-bodies or not
ShowBodySize 100000 (ImapViewer) () - boundary to show body or not
CreateMailDownloadFileNamesDisable (ImapViewer) - do not append filename on download urls
UseOldMailSourceSubject (ImapViewer) - use old attachments->project behavior
EnableSieveFilter (ImapViewer) - switch sieve filter on
DisableSieveFilter (ImapViewer) - switch sieve filter off
UseSkyrixLoginForImap (ImapViewer) - use skyrix login/pwd and default host for imap
ShowVacationPanel (ImapViewer) - show vacation panel
DisableMailQuotaInformation (ImapViewer) - show no quota information
MaxMailAttachmentsSize (ImapEditor) - max size of all attachments (should be sync with MTA max_message_size)
UseOnlyMailboxNameForSendmail only use mailbox names for sendmail
UseMailingListManager Enable mailing list manager
LSWMailLogEnabled NO more mail logs
EnableSSSortingForStringAttributes NO use SSS also for string attributes (like subject, sender, to) - this is much faster than sorting on the client side, but Cyrus server side sorting has issues with German umlauts.
SkyFSMaxFileLockTime - lock timeout for fs-project files
SkyFSLockPath - path for SkyFSProject lock-files
SkyPageRefreshTimeout (5 minutes before session timeout) - page refresh (needed for new mail poput)
PGMaxOpenConnectionCount (15) - allowed open connections
SxCachePath (/var/cache/zidestore) - path for cache files
SxDebugCache (NO) - a lot of cache debug infos
SxMemoryCacheConfig - a dictionary to configure mem-cache
__type__ = __number_of_stored_entries__;
If __number_of_stored_entries__ equals -1 all objects will be stored.
This default values can be modified with doMemCache and objCacheCnt
SxMemoryCachePrivContactsCnt (0) - number of cached private contacts 
We welcome your feedback!
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SKYRIX Software AG
ZideOne GmbH