resistance is obsolete ™ ;-)

skyprojectexporter/importer (dump a DB project)

Those two tools allow to dump the files and folders of a database project into the filesystem. File attributes will be stored in special files for editing.

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Usage: skyprojectexporter

[-password ]
-project  SKYRiX project code
-target  export destination
[-source ] (default: '/')
[-attributes NO] save attributes
[-overwrite NO] overwrite existing files
[-verbose NO] verbose mode
[-include ]
[-exclude ]

Usage: skyprojectimporter

[-password ]
-project  SKYRiX project code
[-source ] (default: '.')
[-target ] (default: '/')
[-attributes NO] restore attributes
[-overwrite NO] overwrite existing files
[-verbose NO] verbose mode
[-include ]
[-exclude ]
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