resistance is obsolete ™ ;-)

URLs Accessible from ZideStore

Especially for non-WebDAV users the URLs available in ZideStore are not transparent.

General format of a ZideStore URL

All ZideStore URLs start at the "users homefolder" URL, which looks like:

if the OGo account being accessed is "donald".

If you access the homefolder URL using a browser you will receive an HTML pages which already gives you URLs to various iCalendars datasources. It also includes "webcal://" links which are ready for subscription in Apple

Note that the ZideStore folder structure is dynamic in itself! Eg it changes dynamically depending on the client program used to access OGo (for various reasons).

"Private" Folders

Just below the Homefolder are located various folders for your private data, like

- Contacts /zidestore/so/donald/Contacts/
- Calendar /zidestore/so/donald/Calendar/
- Overview /zidestore/so/donald/Overview/
- Tasks /zidestore/so/donald/Tasks/
- Projects /zidestore/so/donald/Projects/
... write more

"Public" Folders

... public tree. Public task and calendar folders are actually "Group" folders like described below but fixed to the group named "all intranet". So everything you put into "all intranet" will appear in the "public" tree.

- Contacts /zidestore/so/public/Contacts/
- Calendar /zidestore/so/public/Calendar/
- Tasks /zidestore/so/public/Tasks/

Note: the name 'public' is somewhat special in the ZideStore context. So accessing a user or team named 'public' may give you some issues. At least one user is known to have run into that problem.

"Group" Folders

... Group specific folders - calendar folders are bound to a query using the "read-access-team" of the OGo appointment. Eg if you give "Sales" read access to your appointment, it will come up in the Groups/Sales/ folder.

- Calendar /zidestore/so/donalds/Groups/Sales/Calendar/
- Tasks
- Overview (if enabled)

there are no group specific contact folders, since contacts only differentiate between "private-or-not". This may change in the future.

"Overview" Folders

Group Overview folders are activated using the "ZLShowGroupOverviewCalendars" default:

Defaults write ZideStore ZLShowGroupOverviewCalendars YES

But beware, an Overview folder on a group can have a huge result set leading to suboptimal performance. Also note that there are no Overview calendars for all-intranet (/public) because of the potentially huge number of appointments contained in that (an overview on all-intranet is basically *all* appointments).

... write much more ...

Notes from mails, cleanup and structure

I guess I need some more explanation on how to get all the calendars from all the groups that I belong to, my personal calendar, and the "public"  calendar merged into the overview calendar.

I think what you are asking for is a "public Overview" calendar - which is disabled for performance reasons (it would include basically *all* appointments of the system you have access to).

Remember that there is no such thing like a "calendar from a group" in OGo. We just have a single "calendar" in the database and everything else is just a query. The regular calendar folders map to a query on the read-access-group while the Overview calendars map to a query on the participants of an appointment.

Anyway, in practice the private Overview folder is probably what you want - it contains all appointments where you are a participant (or a group where you are a member is a participant).

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