2004-09-13 15:44 GMT resistance is obsolete ™ ;-)
fast. mature. flexible.

Get The Source !

You can get the SOPE source either as a source package or you can checkout from the public Subversion repository. Feel free to choose the way which suits you best.
If you have suggestions on how to improve source code access, please let us know !

Fetching a Source Snapshot

We periodically build snapshots of the Subversion repositories. It's probably the fastest way to get started.

sope-trunk-latest.tar.gz via HTTP via FTP

Besides the trunk snapshots we also provide snapshots of "tagged" Subversion trees in the releases directory on the webserver.

Using SOPE Subversion

The sources are also available using anonymous Subversion:

$ svn co http://svn.opengroupware.org/ThirdParty/trunk/ ThirdParty
$ svn co http://svn.opengroupware.org/SOPE/trunk/ SOPE-4.3

View CVSview to browse the SOPE Subversion tree.

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