resistance is obsolete ™ ;-)
the groupware construction kit

The information provided below is from 2001, so it may be a bit outdated, but certainly still useful.

XMLRPC support for PHP - README



To use XMLRPC for PHP, you need a working Apache webserver with PHP support.
If you are using SuSE Linux (tested with version 7.2), you just need to install the following packages with yast:

  • apache
  • mod_php4

All dependencies are solved automagically, everything is setup and you have a working apache server with php support within minutes.

To setup the XMLRPC part, you just need the XMLRPC package developed by the Useful Information Company. You can find it at:

As you dont need the XMLRPC server part, all you have to do is to copy the file '' into your project directory and include it in your PHP scripts (for your convenience there are some ready-to-use SKYRiX classes, see below)

How to use it

The Classic way

To show you the classic way to use the XMLRPC functions within PHP, here's a (documented) code snippet that shows the basic functions provided by (it's just a simple example, if you want to access SKYRiX with PHP, it's easier to use the provided PHP classes shown below) :

// include the XMLRPC client functions
// create a xmlrpc message for the method ''
// with one string parameter "value"
$message = new xmlrpcmsg('',
array(new xmlrpcval("value", "string")));
// create a XMLRPC client for the URL
$client = new xmlrpc_client("/xmlrpc", "", 10000);
// send the message
$result = $client->send($message);
// get the return value
$value = $result->value();
// check if there was an error
if (!$result->faultCode())
// print the return value (here: string)
print $value->scalarval();
// print the result as XML
print htmlentities($result->serialize());
} else {
// print the error code
print "Fault: ";
print "Code: " . $result->faultCode() . }

The SKYRiX way

If you are familiar with the functions provided by the skyxmlrpcd and probably saw the python functions to access the SKYRiX system, this will be easy for you, as the PHP functions are modelled after the python ones.

This code sample shows how to fetch a contact from the SKYRiX system:

// generic xml functions and datatypes
// person document class
// generic xml client
// person data source
// create a client object
$client = new XmlRpcDataSource("http://server:10000/Skyrix/xmlrpc",
// create a dataSource, init it with the client created above
$dataSource = new PersonDataSource($client);
// set the keys for the fetch specification
$fetch = array("name","firstname","nickname");
// set the hints the fetch should return
$hints = array("name","number","firstname");
// set the fetch specification for your query
// your fetch specification looks now (internal) like this
// // fetchSpecification =
// {
// qualifier = "name like '*zaphod*' OR firstname like '*zaphod*' OR
// nickname like '*zaphod*'"
// hints =
// {
// attributes = ["name","number","firstname"]
// }
// }
// fetch the objects matching your fetch specification
$result = $dataSource->getObjects()
// result has the results of your query, now you can parse them
if ($result)
foreach ($result as $contact)
// get the name of the current contact (as string)
$name = $contact->getValue("name")
} ?>

The same functions also exist for enterprises within the classes 'EnterpriseDataSource' and 'Enterprise'. You only have to exchange the 'Person' classes with the 'Enterprise' classes in the example above to get enterprise objects (you have to change the keys and hints too, of course).

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SKYRIX Software AG
ZideOne GmbH