resistance is obsolete ™ ;-)
the groupware construction kit

Developing OGo

Python is the scripting language of choice of the OGo core developers and most scripting examples are in implemented in that language. In turn Python is well supported.
Access to OGo XML-RPC services is trivial from Python and in turn from Python based environments like Zope or Plone.


To call OGo XML-RPC functions you need a XML-RPC client which is able to perform HTTP basic-authentication. The xmlrpc module included with Python does not include this facility (the error printed with the "wrong" library looks like: TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'login').
We provide a patched module that can handle HTTP basic-authentication. Get the module here.

  • Example for importing CSV files into csvsample
  • Example for adding a acccount: adduser
  • Example for adding a team and setting its members: addteam
  • An example how to work with resources: resource
  • An example for syncing information into a LDAP server: ogo2ldap
  • A wxWindows based native client prototype: WxOGoBrowser
  • Postfix&Sendmail <-> XML-RPC gateway: deliver

  • Zope

    The Z Object Publishing Environment - an awesome and ground breaking application server for Python. Zope was one of the first servers which demonstrated how to properly write stateless web applications by making effective use of the HTTP protocol and URLs.
    The SOPE server used in OGo takes a lot of concepts from Zope and merges them with complementary concepts from Apple WebObjects.

    Stay tuned ..., or if you are a Zope professional, contact us!


    Plone is a great content management system based upon Zope.

    Stay tuned ..., or if you are a Plone professional, contact us!


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