resistance is obsolete ™ ;-)
the groupware construction kit

A Python Example for Adding Accounts

Below is a small, interactive Python script which uses the SKYRiX XML-RPC Daemon to add SKYRiX accounts.

Sample Run
bjoern@grobi:bjoern # ./ XML-RPC Daemon URL: http://localhost:20000/RPC2
Username: root
Password: -- Adding new user
Enter login: user1
Password: Lastname: User
Firstname: Joe
Create user? [Y/n]: y
==> created account user1 with ID 11350
Add another user? [y/N]:y
-- Adding new user
Enter login: user2
Password: Lastname: User
Firstname: Marc
Create user? [Y/n]: y
==> created account user2 with ID 11470
Add another user? [y/N]:n

To run this script you need the 'patched' which is available here. See the general Python instructions for more details.

Download the script

Script Source
#!/usr/bin/env python
# $Id: index.html 6 2004-08-19 15:10:17Z znek $
# adds users with the given attributes to the SKYRiX system
import getpass, string, sys, xmlrpclib
from types import *
class AddUserTool:
def __init__(self):
""" initialization """
self.__newUser = {}
self.__server = None
def getUserInput(self, _description, _pwdInput=0):
""" get information from the user """
if not _pwdInput:
# get normal input
response = raw_input("%-20s" % _description)
# get password input
response = getpass.getpass("%-20s" % _description)
return response
def getDaemonInfo(self):
""" get xml-rpc daemon information, setup daemon connection """
self.__url = self.getUserInput('XML-RPC Daemon URL:',0)
self.__login = self.getUserInput('Username:',0)
self.__pwd = self.getUserInput('Password:',1)
# try to init xml-rpc server proxy with the given information
# (you need the patched for this)
self.__server = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(self.__url,
except TypeError,e:
# seems you are using a without basic authentication
# support - see the error message how to get the right one
sys.stderr.write("ERROR: You are probably using the wrong version"
"of xmlrpclib\nGet the right version at:\n")
return 2
except IOError,e:
# these errors are caused by specifying a wrong XML-RPC protocol
# (XML-RPC only supports HTTP)
sys.stderr.write("ERROR: %s\n" % e)
return 3
return 0
def collectUserInfo(self):
""" collect all infos we need """
print "-- Adding new user"
self.__newUser['login'] = self.getUserInput('Enter login:',0)
self.__newUser['password'] = self.getUserInput('Password:',1)
self.__newUser['name'] = self.getUserInput('Lastname:',0)
self.__newUser['firstname'] = self.getUserInput('Firstname:',0)
def addUserToSystem(self):
""" add the user to SKYRiX via XML-RPC """
# add account to SKYRiX
result = self.__server.account.insert(self.__newUser)
sys.stderr.write("An XML-RPC error occured\n")
return 2
# account.insert returns the inserted user as dictionary if it was
# successful, otherwise a boolean False is returned
if type(result) is DictType:
print "==> created account %s with ID %s" % (result['login'],
return 0
sys.stderr.write("Failed to create account\n")
return 1
def run(self):
""" run """
result = self.getDaemonInfo()
if result != 0: return result
another = 'y'
while another == 'y':
ok = self.getUserInput("Create user? [Y/n]:",0)
if not ok:
ok = "y"
if string.lower(ok) == "y": result = self.addUserToSystem()
if result != 0: return result
another = self.getUserInput("Add another user? [y/N]:",0)
if not another:
another = "n"
return 0
if __name__ == "__main__":
tool = AddUserTool()
returnCode =
except KeyboardInterrupt:
sys.stderr.write("Program cancelled by user\n")
returnCode = 2

  • Björn Stierand
  • We welcome your feedback!
    This site is sponsored by
    SKYRIX Software AG
    ZideOne GmbH