2004-08-19 15:16 GMT resistance is obsolete ™ ;-)

Install Debian Packages

We are going to improve that section over the next days, stay tuned. If you can't wait and have problems using the given ones, consider subscribing and asking the user mailinglist.

based on work of Robert Hutton, which is based on the work by Bjoern Stierand posted on the OGo-Users list [archive].

1. Add the DEB Repository to /etc/apt/sources.list

Do this as root:

echo "deb http://www.opengroupware.org/packages deb/" >> /etc/apt/sources.list

2. Install the Packages

apt-get update
apt-get install opengroupware.org

3. Setup the Database

You have to patch your pg_hba.conf to allow tcp host connections. What we want is a setup that will trust connections from the localhost, but deny from other hosts. The following will accomplish this.

# TYPE  DATABASE    USER        IP-ADDRESS        IP-MASK           METHOD
local   all         all                                             trust
host    all         all   trust
host    all         all    reject

Some people have had problems with this. You may need to put the following in instead. I'm not sure why at this stage; I think perhaps the file format for woody and sid are different. If you're running woody, try the following:

local   all                                           trust
host    all   trust
host    all  reject

You also have to make sure that you allow TCP/IP socket connections. You do this in your /etc/postgresql/postgresql.conf file with the line:
tcpip_socket = true

Then restart postgres with /etc/init.d/postgresql restart . You can see if postgres is allowing connections by looking in /var/log/syslog.

If you want get more security replace trust by password, md5 or something... depends on postgres version. Don't forget to restart postgres after modifying these settings. TODO: update this bit

Now we can create the database, user and import tables:

su - postgres
createdb ogo
createuser -a -d ogo
psql ogo ogo #if you have problems with this, try psql -U ogo ogo
# [now you are on the postgresql prompt]
ogo=# \i /usr/lib/opengroupware.org/Database/PostgreSQL/pg-build-schema.psql
ogo=# \q

4. Setup the Defaults

The Defaults are the configuration database of OGo. Something like a structured and persistent set of environment variables.

su - root
chown -R opengroupware.skyrix /usr/lib/opengroupware.org
su - opengroupware
source OpenGroupware.org.sh
Defaults write NSGlobalDomain LSConnectionDictionary \
  '{hostName=localhost; userName=ogo; password=""; port=5432; databaseName=ogo}'
Defaults write NSGlobalDomain NGBundlePath \
Defaults write NSGlobalDomain LSAttachmentPath \
Defaults write NSGlobalDomain LSModelName OpenGroupware.org_PostgreSQL
Defaults write NSGlobalDomain LSAdaptor PostgreSQL72
cd WOApps/OpenGroupware.woa
ln -s ../../WebServerResources/
cd ..

Now run the OGo server. Add the -WOHttpAllowHost <host> switch to the following cmd to connect from host <host>. I found that localhost didn't work; I had to use my hostname (you can find your hostname using the command hostname):

cd /usr/lib/opengroupware.org/WOApps/
OpenGroupware.woa/ix86/linux-gnu/gnu-fd-nil/OpenGroupware \
  -WOHttpAllowHost <host>

If you want to be able to connect from more than one system, you can use the following syntax:
-WOHttpAllowHost '([your-host],[your-host2])'

Now connect to the installation at http://localhost:20000/OpenGroupware. If you want to access the system from another host, you will need to add the hostname to the /etc/hosts file so that OGo doesn't barf when trying to do the hostname lookup.

This is not really satisfactory, though. What we will do now is set up Apache as the front end to OGo so that it can do all the hard work of the HTTP requests for us. This will allow us to connect from hosts without specifying them on the command line.

5. Setup the Apache Frontend

First get the mod_ngobjweb sources: mod_ngobjweb-latest.tar.gz After you download the archive and extract the files, adjust the Makefile (which is called GNUmakefile) so that it points to the right directories.

Look for the section just under the line with # config on it. Set the following variables:

APXS = /usr/bin/apxs
HTTPD = /usr/sbin/apache # or /usr/sbin/apache-perl if you're using the mod-perl version of apache

Also note that there's another line with #HTTPD = /usr/sbin/httpd on it a bit further down. Comment this out or delete it. Also update the APACHE_VERSION = line to reflect the version you have installed (1.3.27 on sid, 1.3.26 on woody).

You need to have an Apache, its header files and the apxs tool installed on your system. You can get these from the apache-dev package. Now type make. This will create the file, ngobjweb-x.xx.so (where x.xx is your Apache version).

Create the directory /usr/lib/opengroupware.org/WebServer and copy ngobjweb-x.xx.so there.

Now edit the Apache config file (usually located at /etc/apache/httpd.conf or /etc/httpd/httpd.conf) and add the following entries:

LoadModule ngobjweb_module /usr/lib/opengroupware.org/WebServer/ngobjweb_1.3.27.so

<LocationMatch "^/OpenGroupware/*">
  SetHandler ngobjweb-adaptor
  SetAppPort 20000

Alias /OpenGroupware.woa/WebServerResources/ \

Adjust the paths to match your system. Now start the OpenGroupware.org application (for hand by now, init-scripts will be provided soon). Start the OGo server:

cd /usr/lib/opengroupware.org/WOApps/
OpenGroupware.woa/ix86/linux-gnu/gnu-fd-nil/OpenGroupware \
  -WOHttpAllowHost <host>

and connect to it through 'http://your.web.server/OpenGroupware'.

6. Init Scripts

TODO: ...

7. Getting eMail Server to Work

Cyrus IMAPD is supported. TODO: ...

8. Interfacing

ZideStore is not yet in the repository and ZideLook not yet available outside Germany ... TODO

Installation Order for Individual Packages ...

Just using apt-get is easier, but in case you got the packages as individual files, here is the installation order:

  1. (from the 'thirdparty' section)
    1. opengroupware.org-gstep-make
    2. opengroupware.org-gstep-objc
    3. opengroupware.org-libfoundation
    4. opengroupware.org-js
    5. opengroupware.org-libxml2
  2. (from the 'sope' section)
    1. opengroupware.org-xml
    2. opengroupware.org-xml-libxmlsaxdriver
    3. opengroupware.org-core
    4. opengroupware.org-gstep-db
    5. opengroupware.org-gstep-db-postgresql72
    6. opengroupware.org-sope
  3. (from the 'base' section)
    1. opengroupware.org-env
    2. opengroupware.org-logic
    3. opengroupware.org-docapi
    4. opengroupware.org-database
    5. opengroupware.org-webui-libs
    6. opengroupware.org-webui-common
    7. opengroupware.org-webui-admin
    8. opengroupware.org-webui-app
    9. opengroupware.org-webui-contact
    10. opengroupware.org-webui-job
    11. opengroupware.org-webui-mailer
    12. opengroupware.org-webui-news
    13. opengroupware.org-webui-prefs
    14. opengroupware.org-webui-resource-en
    15. opengroupware.org-webui-scheduler
    16. opengroupware.org-webui-forms
    17. opengroupware.org-webui-project
    18. opengroupware.org-theme-default-en
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